Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Volume II Issue 3 - PSA Inland Empire Chapter Spring Seminar with Nevada Wier (2012)

Nevada Wier

We're sorry for the untimely post of this Blog but we've been traveling around the Northwest and have just recently landed back home.  We would be amiss if we didn't blog about our wonderful experience of seeing and listening to internationally renown travel photographer Nevada Wier at PSA's Inland Empire Chapter's Spring Seminar held in Spokane, WA from March 31st through April 1, 2012.

Nevada was an excellent presenter as she discussed the history of her journey into the photographic world.  She enhanced her past experiences with a light humor we found endearing.  Nevada explained the methods she employs to produce her award-winning images.  She also provided numerous tips and showed examples on how we, as photographers could travel more smoothly and improve our works. 

Since Ken is an artist who likes to approach photography from a more creative angle, he is always eager to hear the approaches of other photographers.  He very much enjoyed Nevada's discussion of slow shutter speeds and blending of blurred images.  One of her quotes (paraphrased), "If it's creative and a good image, it doesn't matter how you got there", really hit home with him.  She expanded her views of photography by sharing a George Lois quote: "The creative act ie. the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything".  Attendees were also encouraged to...experiment, experiment, experiment...rules were meant to be broken.

Oftentimes when listening to someone as well traveled as Nevada Wier, some photographers become frustrated by the limits of the current economy.  She stated however that "The voyage of discovery is not where you've been but seeing it through different eyes" which gives an alternative in thinking to those of us who are limited to shooting closer to home.

For additional information, check out her website:
Thank you Nevada, for spending your time and the weekend with us and sharing your photographic skills and knowledge.  We learned a LOT from your presentation.

In addition, it's always nice to see Massachesetts' favorite son, Gary Farber with all the latest photo gadgets from Hunts Photo and sure to shop and buy Hunts!

As always, Steve Shining did an excellent job as MC of the seminar.  Thanks all around to everyone, ie. Steve, Jerry, Otto, John, Deke, Leroy and Vickie who again helped put on a successful Spring Seminar.  It was nice to renew old friendships with the great photographers of both the Spokane and Spokane Valley Camera Clubs as well as our photographer friends from British Columbia...and you know who YOU all are, along with making new friends from Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.  We enjoy crossing the mountains each Spring to attend this function with you and look forward to seeing you all next year.

-Ken and Lydia Strange

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Volume II Issue 1 - JVH Large Format Digital Printing Workshop

Embassy Suites Hotel in Bellevue, WA was the site on March 20 & 21, 2012 for the 8th Annual JVH Large Format Digital Printing (LFDP) Workshop, Festival and Print Contest.  We thank John Harrington, owner of JVH Technical LLC (, his wife Kathy, son Ryan and Carol Manoha for the hard work that went into coordinating this great event. The featured keynote speaker was John Paul Caponigro (, nationally renowned landscape photographer, Photoshop and print guru.  He was joined by medium format guru and co-owner of Luminous Landscape, Dr. Mark Dubovoy ( and John Pannozzo, President of ColorByte Software (the maker of Image Print) (  Other presenters were Corinne and Stevn Alavekios from Photographic Essays (, Mark Fitzgerald (Photoshop and Lightroom workflow, teacher and author from The Digital Darkroom) and John Morse from Mounting and Lam Supplies out of Melbourne, Florida.  Technical support was provided by Rob Simpson, field engineer for Epson ( and Ron Martinsen (tech support blogger).  Additional vendors were from Canon, Moab/Legion Media, Sun Supply,  and EFI.

The information-packed first day of the workshop included tips on how to optimize workflow to get the best quality from our images.  The pros offered techniques on color management in both PhotoShop and Lightroom.  We learned additional methods on converting images from color to black and white.  New information on canvas stretching and framing will be helpful in future and the presentation on how to pose models in natural light provided new insight.

During the second day, calibrating and characterizing equipment to obtain a more seamless workflow was discussed along with the techniques, helpful hardware and software tools to deliver phenomenal prints.  Technical strengths between medium format and 35mm equipment was shared.  The history, evolution and longevity of print making was studied in depth. 

Near the end, a great panel consisting of (from left) John Paul Caponigro, John Harrington, Rob Simpson, Dr. Mark Dubovoy and John Pannozzo answered audience questions covering a variety of subjects.Ken and I gained valuable insights from all the above mentioned speakers and the networking with other attendees.  We felt it was well worth the time and I know the marketing skills we received will enhance our photographic images and business.